Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mucho gusto...

Hey, gente!

So alii and I just started our blog today, yay!  We're super excited to share our ideas with you all.  We figured this can be our opportunity to show the world that although we both have a 9 to 5, we definitely have a creative side that we must nurture. ;)  A little bit about me (ale):  I'm a 26-year-old señorita from Los Angeles who can talk up a storm after a cup of coffee!  I'm a UCLA alumni (Go Bruins) and I love my precious familia and friends.  I have a 3 three-year-old pug that owns my corazón... Lola my love!  Oh, and I'm a concert junkie.  I confess.  I just had my latest fix last night at the Shrine Expo.  One word: MAGICAL.  Portishead rocked the house!!  With that said, a lot of my outfits are driven by the music that inspires me any given night. As cheesy as it sounds, music is my fashion.

Alii, my partner in crime, is 26 years young and resides in the LBC.  Alii's guilty pleasure is, of course, shopping.  If she's not home, at work, or at school, you can find her at the local mall.  Duh, she's a Fashion major, where else would she be?  Alii gets her inspiration from within.  Yes, from within!  You can guess her mood by evaluating her outfit.  One day she's Miss Conservative, the next day, she's Chic and Sexy.  :)  Her style is diverse in nature and I love her for it.  In fact, she is the go-to-girl for fashion advice amongst our inner circle.  Alii will tell you like it is.  NO filter.  Thanks for always keepin' it real, alii.

Stay tuned for our fashion updates.


alii y ale

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